6 Building complex Gadget models

6.1 Defining growth

Let us begin by setting the scene with time and area in the typical fashion:


gd <- gadget.variant.dir('simple_growth_model')
## [1] "simple_growth_model"
## attr(,"mainfile")
## [1] "main"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "gadget.variant" "list"
## lets look at the files in gd
#fs::dir_ls(gd) ## nothing has happened

## Time file
schedule <- 
  expand.grid(year = 1:10, step = 1:4) %>% 

           file_type = 'time',
           components = list(list(firstyear = min(schedule$year),
                                  notimesteps=c(4,3,3,3,3)))) %>% ## number of time steps and step length in months

## Area file

           file_type = 'area',
           components = list(list(areas = 1,
                                  size = 1,
                                  temperature = schedule %>% 
                                    mutate(area = 1, temperature = 5)))) %>% 

Now that we have attributes of the time and place, we can insert a population into it. Remember that population subcomponents are called ‘stocks’ in Gadget. To do this, we use the function gadgetstock. However, using gadgetstock also has some default settings built in for convenience. The first one is that it automatically sets up the Gadget model with growth implemented. If we first generate a default stock (with name ‘test’), we find that much of the structural information we supplied above was not supplied, and most of the other settings are turned off (value = 0, more on those settings later).

gadgetstock('test',gd,missingOkay = TRUE) 
## ; Generated by Rgadget 0.5
## stockname    test
## livesonareas 
## minage   
## maxage   
## minlength    
## maxlength    
## dl   
## refweightfile    
## growthandeatlengths  
## doesgrow 1
## growthfunction   lengthvbsimple
## growthparameters #test.Linf  (* 0.001 #test.k)   #test.walpha    #test.wbeta
## beta (* 10 #test.bbin)
## maxlengthgroupgrowth 15
## naturalmortality 
## iseaten  0
## doeseat  0
## initialconditions
## doesmigrate  0
## doesmature   0
## doesmove 0
## doesrenew    0
## doesspawn    0
## doesstray    0

However, growth is the exception: doesgrow is turned on (value set to 1) with the growth function lengthvbsimple implemented and parameters supplied to that function as test.Linf, test.k (multiplied by 0.001 to keep it help the optimisation routine by placing it on a similar scale to other parameters), test.walpha, test.wbeta, test.bbin (also multiplied by a scalar), and a constant value for maxlengthgroupgrowth.

6.1.1 Growth

Growth is implemented using three processes in Gadget. The first process is described by a growth function that shows how mean body size at age changes over time. The second process generates variability around that mean length at age relationship using a beta binomial distribution (currently, no other distributions are implemented). The third process translates between lengths and weights.

The first and third processes are implemented together via the chosen growth function. In the default Rgadget lengthvbsimple function implementation, the length at infinity and growth rate parameters supplied to this function are automatically named test.Linf and test.k to signify that these parameters only refer to growth within the ‘test’ stock. Similarly, an exponential relationship is used to represent growth, using the automatically named test.walpha and test.wbeta parameters. Because they are by default supplied here and supplied as switches with ‘#’ preceding them, they will be automatically generated in the parameter file when an initial Gadget simulation is run, and their values can then be controlled from this file (as demonstrated here). Beyond lengthvbsimple, there are a variety of other growth functions that can be implemented, including those that implement starvation, time- and area- dependent growth, or reading weights from a length-weight key. These are described in the Gadget User Guide.

The second process is implemented in the default by providing a single switch test.bbin parameter to the beta-binomial distribution, along with a constant value for maxlengthgroupgrowth. The beta-binomial distribution is implemented in Gadget because high flexibility in the distribution of growth deviations is provided by changing only a single estimable parameter. The constant value for maxlengthgroupgrowth describes the maximum number of length bins a fish is allowed to grow in a single time step, so it should be set high enough to be realistic.

As growth is one of the major determinants of population dynamics, some words of caution should be mentioned in any discussion of the implementation of growth in Gadget. The first is that the implementation of the Von Bertalanffy growth curves used in Gadget are based on predicting changes in length over a time step, based on the length at the end of the previous time step and the length of the time step. Therefore, length is not directly associated with age. This is a useful property when Gadget is being used for estimation, because it implies that age data are not a prerequisite to estimating growth (although it does help). However, it also implies that the parameter values obtained when estimating (i.e., the length at infinity \(L_\infty\) and growth rate \(k\) parameters) are not directly comparable to those estimated when using length and age data in non-linear model estimation (standard methods). In particular, \(L_\infty\) using standard estimation methods with age data would represent the mean length attainable at infinity, but in Gadget it represents the maximal length that could be expected at infinity, and therefore almost all fish tracked in the model should actually be below this value. If individuals happen to surpass \(L_\infty\) in one time step due to variability in growth implemented via the beta binomial distribution, those individuals will exhibit negative growth in the next time step. This process is not represented by standard methods of estimation using age data. Therefore, care should be taken that any final values used for \(L_\infty\) within Gadget should be roughly above that expected of most fish observed, in order to avoid accidentally implementing unexpected and unrealistic negative growth.

The second word of caution is that although the beta-binomial distribution has proven to be a very useful distribution for capturing realistic patterns in the variability of the growth process, it is not a very well-known or intuitive distribution. High values of beta produce a narrow distribution, while lower values produce a more dispersed distribution with a larger right-hand tail. Very low values should be avoided because it changes the expected shape of the distribution. In addition, the default value of maximum 15 length bin steps by which a fish could grow is set to be generous to allow the beta-binomial enough space to estimate the shape of the distribution without being confined by an upper limit. However, in practice, where growth is difficult to estimate or cohorts have very narrow length distributions, setting this parameter to a much lower value (2 - 4) can sometimes better capture observed patterns in growth variability.

Finally, it should be kept in mind that growth, like all other time-dependent processes, is implemented within Gadget according to the time steps provided, not corresponding to an annual basis. For example, a model with quarterly time steps would yield annual growth based on \(\Delta t = 1/4\), whereas the same in monthly time steps would yield \(\Delta t = 1/12\). Likewise, setting maxlengthgroupgrowth to 2 would be far more constricting for a model with quarterly time steps than a model with monthly time steps: at most \(2 * 4 = 8\) length group steps would be allowed per annum rather than \(2 * 12 = 24\). An exception to this implementation is values for mortality: they are expected to be suppled as annual mortality rates, and are therefore subsequently divided among the time steps before implementation (e.g., so that \(M = 0.2\) is the same in quarterly and monthly models).

To play around with the growth model we can now define a simple growth model to test the effect of various parameter settings:

## Stock file 
stock <- gadgetstock('growth_stock',gd,missingOkay = TRUE)
## ; Generated by Rgadget 0.5
## stockname    growth_stock
## livesonareas 
## minage   
## maxage   
## minlength    
## maxlength    
## dl   
## refweightfile    
## growthandeatlengths  
## doesgrow 1
## growthfunction   lengthvbsimple
## growthparameters #growth_stock.Linf  (* 0.001 #growth_stock.k)   #growth_stock.walpha    #growth_stock.wbeta
## beta (* 10 #growth_stock.bbin)
## maxlengthgroupgrowth 15
## naturalmortality 
## iseaten  0
## doeseat  0
## initialconditions
## doesmigrate  0
## doesmature   0
## doesmove 0
## doesrenew    0
## doesspawn    0
## doesstray    0
stock <- 
  stock %>% 
                livesonareas = 1,
                maxage = 1,
                minage = 1,
                minlength = 0,
                maxlength = 100,
                dl = 1) %>% 
  gadget_update('naturalmortality',0) %>% 
  gadget_update('refweight',data=tibble(length=0:100,mean=1)) %>% 
                normalparam = tibble(age = 1,
                                     area = 1,
                                     age.factor = 1,   
                                     area.factor =1,
                                     mean = 1,
                                     stddev = .1,
                                     alpha = 1,
                                     beta = 1))
stock %>% 
## ; Generated by Rgadget 0.5
## stockname    growth_stock
## livesonareas 1
## minage   1
## maxage   1
## minlength    0
## maxlength    100
## dl   1
## refweightfile    Modelfiles/growth_stock.refwgt
## growthandeatlengths  Aggfiles/growth_stock.stock.len.agg
## doesgrow 1
## growthfunction   lengthvbsimple
## growthparameters #growth_stock.Linf  (* 0.001 #growth_stock.k)   #growth_stock.walpha    #growth_stock.wbeta
## beta (* 10 #growth_stock.bbin)
## maxlengthgroupgrowth 15
## naturalmortality 0
## iseaten  0
## doeseat  0
## initialconditions
## minage   1
## maxage   1
## minlength    0
## maxlength    100
## dl   1
## normalparamfile  Modelfiles/growth_stock.init.normalparam
## doesmigrate  0
## doesmature   0
## doesmove 0
## doesrenew    0
## doesspawn    0
## doesstray    0

For the sake of testing let run the model and see if the run is successful:

gadget_evaluate(gd, log = 'growth_log')
## [1] "simple_growth_model"
## attr(,"mainfile")
## [1] "main"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "gadget.variant" "list"

To play with the effects of various settings:

read.gadget.parameters(paste(gd, 'params.out', sep = '/')) %>% 
  init_guess('alpha', value = 1) %>% 
  init_guess('beta', value = 1) %>% 
  init_guess('Linf', value = 100) %>% 
  init_guess('k$', value = 100) %>% 
  write.gadget.parameters(paste(gd, 'params.in', sep = '/'))

fit <- gadget.fit(wgts = NULL, params.file = 'params.in', gd = gd)
## [1] "Reading input data"
## [1] "Running Gadget"
## [1] "Reading output files"
## [1] "Gathering results"
## [1] "Merging input and output"
fit$stock.full %>% 
  ggplot(aes(length,number,col=as.factor(year))) + 

We can also test a different value for \(\beta\) in the beta binomial:

## different value for the beta binomial
read.gadget.parameters(paste(gd, 'params.in', sep = '/')) %>% 
  init_guess('bbin', value = 100) %>% 
  write.gadget.parameters(paste(gd, 'params.in2', sep = '/'))

fit2 <- gadget.fit(wgts = NULL, params.file = 'params.in2', gd = gd)
## [1] "Reading input data"
## [1] "Running Gadget"
## [1] "Reading output files"
## [1] "Gathering results"
## [1] "Merging input and output"
fit$stock.full %>%
  bind_rows(fit2$stock.full,.id='model') %>% 
  ggplot(aes(length,number,col=as.factor(year),lty = as.factor(model))) + 
  geom_line() Exercise

  • Investigate what are the effects of different growth rates (\(k\)) and \(L_\infty\) on the length distribution.

6.2 Ling stock assessment in Icelandic waters

Gadget is particularly useful in a stock assessment setting when age data are absent or sparse. In these cases, parameterising age-based stock assessement models may require a lot of pre-processing based on sparse age data to calculate the model input (e.g., catch at age), which can produce bias. Using length- and age-based models instead are appealing because comparisons sparse data can be directly incorporated into the model likelihood, rather than pre-processed. This was the original main motivation for developing the model presented here that is currently used for stock assessment.

In this example we present the stock assessment model used for ling Molva molva in Icelandic fisheries as an example of a length- and age-based model with all the standard components implemented, including natural mortality, fishing, growth, maturation, and recruitment.

6.3 Model initiation

First we load Rgadget, set up directories, and some default model dimensions and names to use throughout.


base_dir <- 'ling_model'
vers <- c('01-base')
gd <- gadget.variant.dir(sprintf(paste0("%s/",vers),base_dir))

schedule <- 
  expand.grid(year = 1982:2018, step = 1:4) %>% 

           file_type = 'time',
           components = list(list(firstyear = min(schedule$year),
                                  notimesteps=c(4,3,3,3,3)))) %>% 

## Write out areafile and update mainfile with areafile location
           file_type = 'area',
           components = list(list(areas = 1,
                                  size = 1,
                                  temperature= schedule %>% mutate(area = 1, temperature = 5)))) %>% 

6.3.1 Maturation as multi-‘stock’ models Generating stocks

In Gadget, maturation is modeled as a distributional shift between ‘stocks’, or more accurately substocks, of a true biological stock. In the case of standard fish stocks, this simply means that immature individuals are tracked within the immature ‘stock’ until they ‘transition’ to mature stock component. This structure is convenient because the generalized multi-‘stock’ implementation of life stages can be applied to more biologically complex scenarios that have more than two life stages, or biologically distinct components that need to be tracked separately (e.g., by sex), but still contribute to the entire population.

For ling, we set up an immature and a mature stock file using the gadgetstock function, then update the ‘stock’ component of the file using gadget_update. Each ‘stock’ requires a separate stock file with all biological processes defined; therefore each stock can have different processes described for each stock. For example, note that the stocks are also structured a little bit differently: since we know young mature and old immature ling don’t exist, we don’t bother tracking them in the model.

mat_stock <- 'lingmat'
imm_stock <- 'lingimm'

## setup the immature stock first
ling.imm <- 
  gadgetstock(imm_stock,gd,missingOkay = TRUE) %>%
                minage = 3,
                maxage = 10,
                minlength = 20,
                maxlength = 160,
                dl = 4,
                livesonareas = 1)  

ling.mat <-
  gadgetstock(mat_stock,gd,missingOkay = TRUE) %>%
                minage = 5,
                maxage = 15,
                minlength = 20,
                maxlength = 160,
                dl = 4,
                livesonareas = 1) 

As described above in the Growth section, default settings are provided by the gadgetstock function. However, those settings give parameters that are named to be stock-specific. To simplify the model a bit, we change the parameters to have the same value in both stocks, so that both stocks are governed by the same growth equation:

 ling.imm <-
   ling.imm %>%
                                   alpha = '#ling.walpha',
                                   beta = '#ling.wbeta'),
                beta = to.gadget.formulae(quote(10*ling.bbin))) 

  ling.mat <-
   ling.mat %>%
                                   alpha = '#ling.walpha',
                                   beta = '#ling.wbeta'),
                beta = to.gadget.formulae(quote(10*ling.bbin))) 

An alternative way of implementing this would have been to keep the default parameter names, but supply the same parameter value within the parameter file. Also notice that although it is necessary to define the structural arguments listed above (minage, maxage, minlength, maxlength, dl and livesonareas), updating the ‘stock’ component with gadget_update also sets up a few more convenient default settings in the gadget stock file.

## [1] "Immature"
## ; Generated by Rgadget 0.5
## stockname    lingimm
## livesonareas 1
## minage   3
## maxage   10
## minlength    20
## maxlength    160
## dl   4
## refweightfile    
## growthandeatlengths  Aggfiles/lingimm.stock.len.agg
## doesgrow 1
## growthfunction   lengthvbsimple
## growthparameters #ling.Linf  (* 0.001 #ling.k)   #ling.walpha    #ling.wbeta
## beta (* 10 #ling.bbin)
## maxlengthgroupgrowth 15
## naturalmortality #lingimm.M  #lingimm.M  #lingimm.M  #lingimm.M  #lingimm.M  #lingimm.M  #lingimm.M  #lingimm.M
## iseaten  0
## doeseat  0
## initialconditions
## doesmigrate  0
## doesmature   0
## doesmove 0
## doesrenew    0
## doesspawn    0
## doesstray    0
## [1] "Mature"
## ; Generated by Rgadget 0.5
## stockname    lingmat
## livesonareas 1
## minage   5
## maxage   15
## minlength    20
## maxlength    160
## dl   4
## refweightfile    
## growthandeatlengths  Aggfiles/lingmat.stock.len.agg
## doesgrow 1
## growthfunction   lengthvbsimple
## growthparameters #ling.Linf  (* 0.001 #ling.k)   #ling.walpha    #ling.wbeta
## beta (* 10 #ling.bbin)
## maxlengthgroupgrowth 15
## naturalmortality #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M
## iseaten  0
## doeseat  0
## initialconditions
## doesmigrate  0
## doesmature   0
## doesmove 0
## doesrenew    0
## doesspawn    0
## doesstray    0
## write to file
ling.imm %>% 

ling.mat %>% 

In particular, growthandeatlengths has been supplied with a file path name ‘Aggfiles/lingmat.stock.len.agg’, which corresponds with a file that will be automatically generated once the stock file is written [check it out in your folders]. This new aggregation file (or ‘Aggfile’) is required by Gadget, and contains information on how to aggregate true lengths into length bins as individuals are tracked through the model. Aggregation files also become important for the purposes of comparing simulations to data, so they will be revisited later when model-fitting procedures are introduced.

In addition, natural mortality parameters have been supplied as automatically named switches (lingimm.M or lingmat.M) for every age. In the default case, mortality is not age-dependent, so the same parameter is provided for every age. Maturation process and timing

To implement maturation, we only want the immature stock to be able to mature and transition, or be moved (ie., to the mature stock). Therefore, doesmove and doesmature components are both switched on (values set to 1) by supplying additional information to them, whereas neither of these are switched on for the mature stock.

Maturation is split into a two-step process in Gadget. For all ages included in the immature stock, maturation is determined by a maturation function (set using the doesmature component). For all ages older than the immature stock, maturation is governed by a stepwise ‘transition’ (or lack of transition) to the mature stock (set using the doesmove component).

For all ages within the immature stock, at what length individuals in the immature stock become mature is governed by the maturation function in the doesmature component. When choosing a maturity function, both the rate of maturation and timing of maturity should be considered. For example, the maturity function used below (continuous) reflects a maturation that occurs continuously through the year (not seasonal) at a rate with a logistic dependence on length, age, or both. The first two parameters listed under the coefficients correspond with length-dependency (alpha and L50, respectively), whereas the last two correspond with age-dependency (beta and a50, respectively). Therefore, for ling, we have only implemented length-dependency. Maturation in the continuous functions occurs instantaneously (i.e., the maturation function is evaluated and individuals are moved to the mature stock in every time step). When individuals transition, they are placed into the same age-length bins of the destination stock. If that bin does not exist in the destination stock, or transitioning is not defined to occur, then the fish remain in the oldest age-length bins of the source stock, which act as a plus group. The Gadget User Guide describes other possible maturity functions, which implement for example a dependency on body condition, seasonal maturation (in which maturation is only evaluated in a certain time step), and length-dependent knife-edged (rather than logistic) maturation.

For all ages older than the immature stock, maturation is governed by a stepwise ‘transition’ (or lack of transition) to the mature stock, set using the doesmove component. In our example we turn on the doesmove component to require that all fish in the oldest age of the immature stock should be moved to the mature stock upon aging beyond the range of the immature stock. If this doesmove is not turned on, then these individuals would instead remain in the immature stock as the oldest age would be considered a plus group, and could lead to a large component of old immature fish populating the model.

For both the doesmove and doesmature components, the proportion of the originating stock transitioning to the destination stock needs to be designated. This is because both components additionally allow for maturation / transition into multiple stocks. It is therefore required that the stock names and corresponding ratios are supplied that describe what proportion of the immature should mature into each stock. Our example shows all (ratio = 1) immature ling to be maturing into the mature stock (‘lingmat’) under the argument maturestocksandratios, as well as transitioning to the same stock (under argument transitionstocksandratios) in the fourth time step of every year when in the maximal age bin of the immature stock.

mat_stock <- 'lingmat'
imm_stock <- 'lingimm'

## setup the immature stock first
ling.imm <- 
  ling.imm  %>% 
                maturityfunction = 'continuous',
                maturestocksandratios = list(stock='lingmat', ratio = 1),
                coefficients = list(alpha = to.gadget.formulae(quote(0.001*ling.mat1)), 
                                    l50='#ling.mat2', beta=0, a50=0)) %>% 
                transitionstocksandratios = 'lingmat 1',
                transitionstep = 4)

Note that although the doesmove component as described here is used for the maturation process, it actually provides far more flexibility in designing Gadget models by providing a mechanism for tracking stock components as the transition from one state to another. For example, in another case it may be useful to track the transition from male to female in a species that exhibits sequential hermaphroditism.

6.3.2 Initial conditions

The model structures defined in the previous sections shows that numbers within each stock will be tracked in simulations for both stocks at a certain age, within one of 35 length bins, and on area 1.

## [1] "Immature"
## ; Generated by Rgadget 0.5
## stockname    lingimm
## livesonareas 1
## minage   3
## maxage   10
## minlength    20
## maxlength    160
## dl   4
## refweightfile    
## growthandeatlengths  Aggfiles/lingimm.stock.len.agg
## doesgrow 1
## growthfunction   lengthvbsimple
## growthparameters #ling.Linf  (* 0.001 #ling.k)   #ling.walpha    #ling.wbeta
## beta (* 10 #ling.bbin)
## maxlengthgroupgrowth 15
## naturalmortality #lingimm.M  #lingimm.M  #lingimm.M  #lingimm.M  #lingimm.M  #lingimm.M  #lingimm.M  #lingimm.M
## iseaten  0
## doeseat  0
## initialconditions
## doesmigrate  0
## doesmature   1
## maturityfunction continuous
## maturityfile Modelfiles/lingimm.maturity
## doesmove 1
## transitionstocksandratios    lingmat 1
## transitionstep   4
## doesrenew    0
## doesspawn    0
## doesstray    0
## [1] "Mature"
## ; Generated by Rgadget 0.5
## stockname    lingmat
## livesonareas 1
## minage   5
## maxage   15
## minlength    20
## maxlength    160
## dl   4
## refweightfile    
## growthandeatlengths  Aggfiles/lingmat.stock.len.agg
## doesgrow 1
## growthfunction   lengthvbsimple
## growthparameters #ling.Linf  (* 0.001 #ling.k)   #ling.walpha    #ling.wbeta
## beta (* 10 #ling.bbin)
## maxlengthgroupgrowth 15
## naturalmortality #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M  #lingmat.M
## iseaten  0
## doeseat  0
## initialconditions
## doesmigrate  0
## doesmature   0
## doesmove 0
## doesrenew    0
## doesspawn    0
## doesstray    0

As Gadget is set up as a forward simulation, initial conditions need to be supplied to each bin defined by a stock’s structure. For example, the immature stock needs 11 age x 35 length x 1 area bins to contain initial numbers of individuals. Gadget is set up by default to put 10 000 fish in each age group per area. However, in reality, at any point in time, including the initial time step of the model, the numbers at age of a real population are not expected to be equal. In any population with mortality, for example, there should be fewer older individuals than younger individuals. Similarly, differences between areas can shift all numbers at age to be higher or lower than those found in another area. In addition, each set of 10 000 fish, which correspond to an age and area, need to be assigned length bins according to a mean length, and some level of variability around that mean.

These two attributes, numbers for each age x area group and distribution of those numbers across length bins, are controlled by using gadget_update to modify the initialconditions component of the stock file. In our ling example, this is done by supplying a data frame to an argument called normparam. Calling the normalparam argument specifies the distribution of lengths to be according to a normal parameteric distribution, and that body weights calculated from these are according to an exponential equation of the same form as supplied in under the section Growth. Alternatively, it is possible to implement weights according to condition factor and length-weight key, or supply the numbers that make up the stock distribution rather than a theoretical distribution. Implementation methods for these should be referred to in the Gadget User Guide.

The data frame supplied to normalparam needs one row per age x area combination; therefore, the first two columns in our example specify ages found in the stock (first columns), all with an area set to 1 (second column). [That is, using the . placeholder passes the ling.imm object to that location, where minage and maxage information is extracted]. The next two columns implement differences among ages and differences among areas respectively, by supplying age - and area - specific factors against which the 10 000 initial fish will be multiplied. These columns are called age.factor and area.factor, respectively. The next two columns reflect the mean length and standard deviation that will be used to distribute lengths for that age x area combination. Note that although different lengths at age could in theory be supplied for different areas, only one growth function is supplied for all areas, so justifying the utility of different lengths at age among different areas for only the initial time step may be difficult. Standard deviations of lengths are supplied by age age x area groups.

The data frame described above can be filled with constants, but as we saw here, we can also replace these constants with parameter switches whose values can be controlled within the parameter file, or even formulas containing constants, switches, or both. For example, both the parameters used to describe the exponential length-weight relationship (alpha and beta, last columns of the data frame) and standard deviations (third-from-last column) are set here to be empirically derived constants. However, in the code below, we supply standard deviations as numerical values but alpha and beta as switches, as the latter are also used in other components of the stock file (growth). Today we will use this capability to set the initial conditions of the ling model to have two properties that aid in realism and internal consistency. First, we would like numbers at age to be distributed according to a total mortality experienced by the population at the beginning of the time series. Second, we would like to set mean lengths of the age groups to be those expected by the same Von Bertalanffy relationship implemented under the Growth section.

To implement the first pattern via the age.factor column, a different equation per age is supplied. Each equation is based on an age-specific initial number parameter (e.g., lingimm.init.3 for age 3), which is then multiplied with the exponent of negative total mortality rate times the number of annual time steps since recruitment (i.e., the age). This ensures that the distribution in numbers among ages will be close to that expected simply from natural mortality. In addition, the pre-supplied natural mortality parameter lingimm.M is added to user-defined parameter ling.init.F, which represents an initial level of fishing mortality experienced before the first time step of the model. Doing this slightly changes the distribution to account for prior effects of fishing. Under this transformation, all initial parameters (lingimm.init.3, lingimm.init.4, etc.) have the same interpretation: they are the back-calculated recruitment values for the year classes to which the observed ages correspond. Implementing the initial parameters with a consistent interpretation yields the benefits of expecting their values to be on roughly the same scale and fosters easier communication (e.g., fixing all age-specific parameters to the same value would denote fixed recruitment during the years prior to the time series). So in mathematical terms the initial number of fish at age a will: \[N_a = 10 000 \times q \nu_a e^{-a(M_a+F_0)}\] And is written as:

quote(exp(-1*(lingimm.M+ling.init.F)*3)*lingimm.init.3) %>% to.gadget.formulae()
## [1] "(* (exp (* (* (- 1) (+ #lingimm.M #ling.init.F)) 3)) #lingimm.init.3)"

To implement the second pattern, in mean lengths-at-age provided, we can borrow an Rgadget convenience function von_b_formula that writes out the lengthvbsimple equations in Gadget-friendly formulae.

## [1] "(* #ling.Linf (- 1 (exp (* (* (- 1) (* 0.001 #ling.k)) (- 3 (+ 1 (/ (log (- 1 (/ #ling.recl #ling.Linf))) (* 0.001 #ling.k))))))))"

To be internally consistent, the parameters supplied to this convenience function, as well as the alpha and beta columns defined in the normalparam data frame, are set to be the same as those used when implementing growth in the doesgrow component above. Notice one more parameter called ling.recl is also supplied for internal consistency with recruitment settings, which are explained in the next section.

#taken from data analyses
init.sigma.i <- rep(2, length(ling.imm[[1]]$minage:ling.imm[[1]]$maxage))
init.sigma.m <- rep(2, length(ling.mat[[1]]$minage:ling.mat[[1]]$maxage))

ling.imm <-
  ling.imm %>%
                normalparam = tibble(age = .[[1]]$minage:.[[1]]$maxage,
                                         area = 1,
                                         age.factor = parse(text=sprintf('exp(-1*(lingimm.M+ling.init.F)*%1$s)*lingimm.init.%1$s',age)) %>% 
                                           purrr::map(to.gadget.formulae) %>% 
                                         area.factor = '#lingimm.init.scalar',
                                         mean = von_b_formula(age,linf='ling.Linf',k='ling.k',recl='ling.recl'),
                                         stddev = init.sigma.i,
                                         alpha = '#ling.walpha',
                                         beta = '#ling.wbeta')) 

ling.mat <-
  ling.mat %>% 
                normalparam = tibble(age = .[[1]]$minage:.[[1]]$maxage,
                                     area = 1,
                                     age.factor = parse(text=sprintf('exp(-1*(lingmat.M+ling.init.F)*%1$s)*lingmat.init.%1$s',age)) %>% 
                                       purrr::map(to.gadget.formulae) %>% 
                                     area.factor = '#lingmat.init.scalar',
                                     mean = von_b_formula(age,linf='ling.Linf',k='ling.k',recl='ling.recl'),
                                     stddev = init.sigma.m,
                                     alpha = '#lingmat.walpha',
                                     beta = '#lingmat.wbeta'))  
## write to file
ling.imm %>% 

ling.mat %>% 

Note that the new files ‘Modelfiles/lingimm.init.normalparam’ and ‘Modelfiles/lingmat.init.normalparam’ are created to hold the information in the data frames.

6.3.3 Renewal

Renewal can be thought of as another type of Initial Condition. In addition to numbers-at-age and their length distributions being needed for all ages in the first time step of the model, each year forward also needs individuals to populate the youngest age of each stock. Mature stocks are populated by the immature stocks through maturation, but the immature stocks requires inputted individuals from a recruitment process. Remember from here that this can be accomplished either through renewal, in which a number is added to a certain age at a certain time step in every year, or it can occur via a stock-recruitment relationship (see here). For ling we keep it simple and provide switches for each year’s number at the youngest age. That way, these can either be inputted as values through a paramater file or they can be estimated at a later stage.

To incorporate renewal, gadget_update is used to switch on the doesrenew argument to have a value of 1 in the stock file, and a data frame very similar to the initial conditions data frame is provided, except that it includes a year and step column to specify when the recruitment occurs. An area and age combination also need to be provided as in initial conditions, so that 10 000 fish can be supplied to this combination, and lengths distributed to these 10 000 fish in a similar manner as in initial conditions (i.e., via a parameteric distribution or a numerical distribution). A factor is then supplied under the column ‘number’ that scales these 10 000 fish up or down relative to other year x time-step combinations. Below, we have provided a knew parameter for each year (beginning with ling.rec), each of which are multiplied by the scalar ling.rec.scalar which is used to scale the whole time series of renewal values. Here, lengths are supplied via a normal parametric distribution (as under initial conditions), so a column is also provided for mean and stddev to designate the parametric distribution. Just as in initial conditions, the mean was set using the same Von Bertalanffy equation and parameters, including the ling.recl, which represents length at age 0. In the last columns, the same ling.walpha and ling.wbeta parameters are provided for translation into biomass.

 ling.imm <-
   ling.imm %>%
                normalparam = tibble(year = schedule$year,
                                         step = 1,
                                         area = 1,
                                         age = .[[1]]$minage,
                                         number = parse(text=sprintf('ling.rec.scalar*ling.rec.%s',year)) %>% 
                                           map(to.gadget.formulae) %>% 
                                         mean = von_b_formula(age,linf='ling.Linf',k='ling.k',recl='ling.recl'),
                                         stddev = '#ling.rec.sd',
                                         alpha = '#ling.walpha',
                                         beta = '#ling.wbeta')) 

## write to file
ling.imm %>% 

Note that the new file Modelfiles/lingimm.rec.normalparam is created to hold the information in the data frame.

6.3.4 Reference Weight

Some implementations of the initial conditions and growth functions translate between lengths and weights via a constant length-weight key. Although the functions provided in our example here do not depend on it, we provide an example in the following code for how gadget_update can be used to update the refweight component to provide the key as a data frame, which is the same for both stocks.

#For internal consistency, these parameter values should be the
#same as those for ling.walpha & ling.wbeta in the params file
lw_pars <- c(0.00000228, 3.20) 

 ling.imm <-
   ling.imm %>%
ling.mat <-
  ling.mat %>% 

## write to file
ling.imm %>% 

ling.mat %>% 

Note that the new files Modelfiles/lingimm.refwgt and Modelfiles/lingmat.refwgt are created to hold the information in the data frames.

6.3.5 Is fished / eaten

Finally, it is important to designate the component iseaten to have a value of 1, if the stock is to be consumed by other species or fished by fleets. In Gadget, fishing is considered to be one of many forms of consumption.

 ling.imm <-
   ling.imm %>%

ling.mat <-
  ling.mat %>% 

## write to file
ling.imm %>% 

ling.mat %>% 

6.3.6 Set up fleets using catch or effort data

If fleets will be set up using data, catch or effort data must be first organized in the same structure as the model (units kg for catch). Here we continue with totalfleet examples that requires catch data for four fishing fleets: “foreign”, “longline”, “bottom trawl”, and “gillnet” fleets. [Foreign vessels are assumed to use long lines, but are kept separate because the have no biological data from fishery samples - more on this later]. Fleets are separated by gear so that a different selectivity curve can be implemented for each fleet (but foreign is assumed to have the same selectivity as the longline fleet). The survey is also treated as a fleet here so that it too can have a different selectivity curve implemented. However, note that because we don’t want the survey to actually have any fishing impact on the population, but we still want to use biological ‘fishery data’ resulting from the survey’s catches, we ‘trick’ Gadget by only allowing it to have a 1 kg catch within each step / year combination. Gadget will give an error if there exists no catch in the time steps and areas when/where biological fishery data originate.

Also notice that the attribute area_group needs to be applied to the data frame using the function structure. These attributes are called on by Rgadget when creating the appropriate aggregation files. The following will use files that can be downloaded here

download.file('https://heima.hafro.is/~bthe/data_provided.zip', destfile = "data_provided.zip")
lln.landings <- structure(read_csv('data_provided/lln.csv'),
            area_group = list(`1` = 1))
bmt.landings <- structure(read_csv('data_provided/bmt.csv'),
            area_group = list(`1` = 1))
gil.landings <- structure(read_csv('data_provided/gil.csv'),
            area_group = list(`1` = 1))
for.landings <- structure(read_csv('data_provided/for.csv'),
            area_group = list(`1` = 1))
surv.landings <- structure(read_csv('data_provided/surv.csv'),
            area_group = list(`1` = 1))

## # A tibble: 100 x 4
##     year  step  area total_weight
##  * <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>        <dbl>
##  1  1994     1     1       232073
##  2  1994     2     1        63300
##  3  1994     3     1       230816
##  4  1994     4     1       465965
##  5  1995     1     1       351216
##  6  1995     2     1       158494
##  7  1995     3     1       192527
##  8  1995     4     1       617108
##  9  1996     1     1       516931
## 10  1996     2     1       285695
## # … with 90 more rows
## # A tibble: 37 x 4
##     year  step  area number
##  * <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1  1982     2     1      1
##  2  1983     2     1      1
##  3  1984     2     1      1
##  4  1985     2     1      1
##  5  1986     2     1      1
##  6  1987     2     1      1
##  7  1988     2     1      1
##  8  1989     2     1      1
##  9  1990     2     1      1
## 10  1991     2     1      1
## # … with 27 more rows

After obtaining the data, it is time to create the fleet files using gadgetfleet and gadget_update as we have seen before. There are a variety of fleet types that can be implemented in Gadget depending on the purpose and data available. Below we designate the fleet as a totalfleet because the data available are landings by biomass at time. It is an ‘ouput’ implementation, as is another option called numberfleet, which requires landings numbers (not biomass) at time. Possible ‘input’ options are linearfleet or effortfleet which are implementations that control effort. The last option quotafleet is more dynamic because it sets the kg taken by each fleet through a simple harvest control rule based on the previous year’s biomass level, then splits it among the fleet.

Setting up a fleet using gadget_update requires setting the fleet type (below to totalfleet), giving the fleet a name (below surv, lln, bmt, gil, and foreign), designating a suitability function, and supplying the catch data described above.

In Gadget, the fleets act as a simple predator in the model, with consumption controlled by input or output data to the fleet (i.e., effort or landings), depending on the type of fleet chosen. Therefore, ‘suitability’ is the term Gadget uses to encompass patterns of selectivity patterns related to both fleet and predator consumption. However, fleet files are set up differently than predator files (designated as another ‘stock’) because of common differences in data and a lack of variation in predator ‘size’ when it comes to fishing fleets.

gadgetfleet('Modelfiles/fleet',gd,missingOkay = TRUE) %>% 
                name = 'surv',
                suitability = 
                  list(lingimm = list(type='function',suit_func='exponentiall50',
                                      alpha = '#ling.surv.alpha',
                                      beta = '#ling.surv.l50'),
                       lingmat = list(type='function',suit_func='exponentiall50',
                                      alpha = '#ling.surv.alpha',
                                      beta = '#ling.surv.l50')),
                data = surv.landings) %>%
                name = 'lln',
                suitability = 
                  list(lingimm = list(type='function',suit_func='exponentiall50',
                                      alpha = '#ling.lln.alpha',
                                      beta = '#ling.lln.l50'),
                       lingmat = list(type='function',suit_func='exponentiall50',
                                      alpha = '#ling.lln.alpha',
                                      beta = '#ling.lln.l50')),
                data = lln.landings) %>% 
                name = 'bmt',
                suitability = 
                  list(lingimm = list(type='function',suit_func='exponentiall50',
                                      alpha = '#ling.bmt.alpha',
                                      beta = '#ling.bmt.l50'),
                       lingmat = list(type='function',suit_func='exponentiall50',
                                      alpha = '#ling.bmt.alpha',
                                      beta = '#ling.bmt.l50')),
                data = bmt.landings) %>% 
                name = 'gil',
                suitability = 
                  list(lingimm = list(type='function',suit_func='exponentiall50',
                                      alpha = '#ling.gil.alpha',
                                      beta = '#ling.gil.l50'),
                       lingmat = list(type='function',suit_func='exponentiall50',
                                      alpha = '#ling.gil.alpha',
                                      beta = '#ling.gil.l50')),
                data = gil.landings) %>% 
                name = 'foreign',
                suitability = 
                   list(lingimm = list(type='function',suit_func='exponentiall50',
                                       alpha = '#ling.lln.alpha',
                                       beta = '#ling.lln.l50'),
                        lingmat = list(type='function',suit_func='exponentiall50',
                                       alpha = '#ling.lln.alpha',
                                       beta = '#ling.lln.l50')),
                #   list(lingimm = list(type='function',suit_func='andersenfleet',
                #                       p0 = '#ling.lln.p0',
                #                       p1 = to.gadget.formulae(quote(log(180/ling.lln.lmode))),
                #                       p2 = '#ling.lln.p2',
                #                       p3 = '#ling.lln.p3',
                #                       p4 = '#ling.lln.p4',
                #                       L = '180'),
                #       lingmat =  list(type='function',suit_func='andersenfleet',
                #                       p0 = '#ling.lln.p0',
                #                       p1 = to.gadget.formulae(quote(log(180/ling.lln.lmode))),
                #                       p2 = '#ling.lln.p2',
                #                       p3 = '#ling.lln.p3',
                #                       p4 = '#ling.lln.p4',
                #                       L = '180')),
                 data = for.landings) %>% 
  write.gadget.file(gd) Exercise

  • Try changing the longline and foreign fleet to the andersenfleet function (see commented out code under the foreign fleet, as well as day 1 material). Use the Rgadget helper function to explore it. Under what conditions could this function be useful? [Hint: also look up the description in the Gadget User Guide]

6.4 Run the simulation using pre-determined parameters

Now we run Gadget on the ling model just as in the simple model example.

gadget_evaluate(gd,log = 'ling_log')
## [1] "ling_model/01-base"
## attr(,"mainfile")
## [1] "main"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "gadget.variant" "list"
## # A tibble: 81 x 5
##    switch              value lower upper optimise
##  * <chr>               <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 ling.Linf               1 -9999  9999        0
##  2 ling.k                  1 -9999  9999        0
##  3 ling.walpha             1 -9999  9999        0
##  4 ling.wbeta              1 -9999  9999        0
##  5 ling.bbin               1 -9999  9999        0
##  6 lingmat.M               1 -9999  9999        0
##  7 lingmat.init.scalar     1 -9999  9999        0
##  8 ling.init.F             1 -9999  9999        0
##  9 lingmat.init.5          1 -9999  9999        0
## 10 lingmat.init.6          1 -9999  9999        0
## # … with 71 more rows

As you can see above, a default simulation run uses unrealistic parameter values when none are provided. To make it a little more interesting, we change the input parameter file to one that we know contains some reasonable values.

params.forsim <- 

gadget_evaluate(gd,log = 'simple_log2',params.in = params.forsim)
## [1] "ling_model/01-base"
## attr(,"mainfile")
## [1] "main"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "gadget.variant" "list"
## # A tibble: 80 x 5
##    switch                     value    lower upper optimise
##  * <chr>                      <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 ling.Linf           163.         1.00e+ 2   200        1
##  2 ling.k               96.2        4.00e+ 1   100        1
##  3 ling.walpha           0.00000228 1.00e-10     1        0
##  4 ling.wbeta            3.20       2.00e+ 0     4        0
##  5 ling.bbin            26.7        1.00e- 8   100        1
##  6 lingimm.M             0.15       1.00e- 3     1        0
##  7 lingimm.init.scalar   1.66       1.00e+ 0   300        1
##  8 ling.init.F           0.219      1.00e- 1     1        1
##  9 lingimm.init.3      366.         1.00e- 3  1000        1
## 10 lingimm.init.4      377.         1.00e- 3  1000        1
## # … with 70 more rows

We can as before look into the simulation results:

params.forsim %>% 
  write.gadget.parameters(paste(gd, 'params.forsim', sep= '/'))

fit <- gadget.fit(gd = gd, wgts = NULL, params.file = 'params.forsim')
## [1] "Reading input data"
## [1] "Running Gadget"
## [1] "Reading output files"
## [1] "Gathering results"
## [1] "Merging input and output"
## standard ICES plots

plot(fit, data = 'res.by.year',type='catch') + 
  plot(fit, data =  'res.by.year', type = 'rec') + 
  plot(fit, data = 'res.by.year', type = 'F') +
  plot(fit, data = 'res.by.year', type = 'total')

6.5 Talking points

  • How would you structure your model?
    • Split by sex?
    • How many fleets?