Add renewal / initialconditions to a g3 model

        Linf = g3_parameterized('Linf', value = 1, by_stock = by_stock),
        K = g3_parameterized('K', value = 1, by_stock = by_stock),
        recl = g3_parameterized('recl', by_stock = by_stock),
        recage = g3_parameterized('recage', by_stock = FALSE, optimise = FALSE),
        by_stock = TRUE)

        Linf = g3_parameterized('Linf', value = 1, by_stock = by_stock),
        K = g3_parameterized('K', value = 1, by_stock = by_stock),
        t0 = g3_parameterized('t0', by_stock = by_stock),
        by_stock = TRUE)

    scalar = g3_parameterized('init.scalar', value = 1, by_stock = by_stock),
    init = g3_parameterized('init', value = 1, by_stock = by_stock, by_age = TRUE),
    M = g3_parameterized('M', by_stock = by_stock, by_age = TRUE),
    init_F = g3_parameterized('init.F', by_stock = by_stock_f),
    recage = g3_parameterized('recage', by_stock = FALSE, optimise = FALSE),
    proportion_f = ~1,
    by_stock = TRUE,
    by_stock_f = FALSE)

############################# g3a_initialconditions

g3a_initialconditions(stock, num_f, wgt_f, run_f = ~cur_time == 0L,
        run_at = g3_action_order$initial)

        factor_f = g3a_renewal_initabund(by_stock = by_stock),
        mean_f = g3a_renewal_vonb_t0(by_stock = by_stock),
        stddev_f = g3_parameterized('', value = 10,
            by_stock = by_stock, by_age = by_age),
        alpha_f = g3_parameterized('walpha', by_stock = wgt_by_stock),
        beta_f = g3_parameterized('wbeta', by_stock = wgt_by_stock),
        age_offset = quote( cur_step_size ),
        by_stock = TRUE,
        by_age = FALSE,
        wgt_by_stock = TRUE,
        run_f = ~cur_time == 0L,
        run_at = g3_action_order$initial)

        factor_f = g3a_renewal_initabund(by_stock = by_stock),
        mean_f = g3a_renewal_vonb_t0(by_stock = by_stock),
        cv_f = g3_parameterized('lencv', by_stock = by_stock, value = 0.1,
            optimise = FALSE),
        alpha_f = g3_parameterized('walpha', by_stock = wgt_by_stock),
        beta_f = g3_parameterized('wbeta', by_stock = wgt_by_stock),
        age_offset = quote( cur_step_size ),
        by_stock = TRUE,
        by_age = FALSE,
        wgt_by_stock = TRUE,
        run_f = ~cur_time == 0L,
        run_at = g3_action_order$initial)

############################# g3a_renewal

g3a_renewal(stock, num_f, wgt_f, run_f = ~TRUE,
        run_at = g3_action_order$renewal)

        factor_f = g3_parameterized('rec',
            by_stock = by_stock,
            by_year = TRUE,
            scale = g3_parameterized(
                name = 'rec.scalar',
                by_stock = by_stock),
            ifmissing = NaN),
        mean_f = g3a_renewal_vonb_t0(by_stock = by_stock),
        stddev_f = g3_parameterized('', value = 10, by_stock = by_stock),
        alpha_f = g3_parameterized('walpha', by_stock = wgt_by_stock),
        beta_f = g3_parameterized('wbeta', by_stock = wgt_by_stock),
        by_stock = TRUE,
        wgt_by_stock = TRUE,
        run_age = quote(stock__minage),
        run_projection = FALSE,
        run_step = 1,
        run_f = NULL,
        run_at = g3_action_order$renewal)

        factor_f = g3_parameterized('rec',
            by_stock = by_stock,
            by_year = TRUE,
            scale = g3_parameterized(
                name = 'rec.scalar',
                by_stock = by_stock),
            ifmissing = NaN),
        mean_f = g3a_renewal_vonb_t0(by_stock = by_stock),
        cv_f = g3_parameterized('lencv', by_stock = by_stock, value = 0.1,
            optimise = FALSE),
        alpha_f = g3_parameterized('walpha', by_stock = wgt_by_stock),
        beta_f = g3_parameterized('wbeta', by_stock = wgt_by_stock),
        by_stock = TRUE,
        wgt_by_stock = TRUE,
        run_age = quote(stock__minage),
        run_projection = FALSE,
        run_step = 1,
        run_f = NULL,
        run_at = g3_action_order$renewal)

############################# g3a_otherfood

        num_f = g3_parameterized('of_abund', by_year = TRUE, by_stock = by_stock,
            scale = g3_parameterized('of_abund.step', by_step = TRUE,
                by_stock = by_stock) ),
        wgt_f = g3_parameterized('of_meanwgt', by_stock = by_stock),
        by_stock = TRUE,
        run_f = quote( cur_time <= total_steps ),
        run_at = g3_action_order$initial)

        factor_f = g3_parameterized(
            'of_abund', by_year = TRUE, by_stock = by_stock,
            scale = g3_parameterized(
                'of_abund.step', value = 1, by_step = TRUE, by_stock = by_stock),
            ifmissing = "of_abund.proj" ),
        mean_f = g3a_renewal_vonb_t0(by_stock = by_stock),
        stddev_f = g3_parameterized('', value = 10,
            by_stock = by_stock, by_age = by_age),
        alpha_f = g3_parameterized('walpha', by_stock = wgt_by_stock),
        beta_f = g3_parameterized('wbeta', by_stock = wgt_by_stock),
        by_stock = TRUE,
        by_age = FALSE,
        wgt_by_stock = TRUE,
        run_f = quote( cur_time <= total_steps ),
        run_at = g3_action_order$initial)

        factor_f = g3_parameterized(
            'of_abund', by_year = TRUE, by_stock = by_stock,
            scale = g3_parameterized(
                'of_abund.step', value = 1, by_step = TRUE, by_stock = by_stock),
            ifmissing = "of_abund.proj" ),
        mean_f = g3a_renewal_vonb_t0(by_stock = by_stock),
        cv_f = g3_parameterized('lencv', by_stock = by_stock, value = 0.1,
            optimise = FALSE),
        alpha_f = g3_parameterized('walpha', by_stock = wgt_by_stock),
        beta_f = g3_parameterized('wbeta', by_stock = wgt_by_stock),
        by_stock = TRUE,
        by_age = FALSE,
        wgt_by_stock = TRUE,
        run_f = quote( cur_time <= total_steps ),
        run_at = g3_action_order$initial)



The g3_stock to apply to


formula that produces a lengthgroup vector of number of individuals for the current age/area/... length group.


formula that produces a lenghgroup vector of mean weight for the current age/area/... length group.


Integer order that actions will be run within model, see g3_action_order.


formula substituted into normalparam calcuations, see below.


formula substituted into normalcv calcuations, basically stddev_f = mean_f * cv_f, see below.


Replace age with age - age_offset in mean_f. Used to simulate initialconditions at time "-1".


Age to run renewals for, used as age == (run_age) into default run_f


Boolean. Run renewal in projection years? If false adds !cur_year_projection into default run_f


Which step to perform renewal in, or NULL for continuous renewal. Adds cur_step == (run_step) into default run_f


formula specifying a condition for running this action, For initialconditions defaults to first timestep. For renewal, the default is a combination of run_age, run_step & run_projection. For otherfood, the default is to always run, apart from when the model is ending.


formula substituted into vonb calcuations, see below.


formula substituted into initial abundance and vonb calcuations, see below.


formula substituted into initial abundance calcuations, see below.


Controls how parameters are grouped, see g3_parameterized


All of the following actions will renew stock in a model. The differences are when and what they apply to by default:


Will run at the start of the model, building an inital state of all ages


Will run at every step but only for the minimal age, adding new recruits as an alternative to g3a_spawn()


Will run at every step, replacing the previous state, creating a non-dynamic stock for predators to consume

Specifying the quantities and mean-weights in each case works identically.

A model can have any number of g3a_renewal_* actions, so long as the calling arguments are different. For instance, run_f = ~age == 5 and run_f = ~age == 7.

The g3a_renewal_* actions will define the following stock instance variables for stock:


Extra individuals added to the stock


Mean weight of added individuals



A formula object representing $$ L_{\infty} * {1 - e^{-1 * \kappa * (a - (a_{0} + \frac{\log(1 - L_{0}/L_{\infty})}{\kappa} ))}} $$


Substituted for recl


Substituted for Linf


Substituted for K


Substituted for recage

NB: g3a_initialconditions_normalparam will replace \(a\) with \(a - \Delta{t}\), see age_offset


A formula object representing $$ L_{\infty} * (1 - e^{-1 * \kappa * (a - t_{0}) }) $$


Substituted for Linf


Substituted for K


Substituted for t0

NB: g3a_initialconditions_normalparam will replace \(a\) with \(a - \Delta{t}\), see age_offset


An alias for g3a_renewal_vonb_recl()


A formula object representing $$ scalar * init * e^{-1 * (M + F_{0}) * (a - a_{0}) } * proportion $$


Substituted for scalar


Substituted for init


Substituted for M


Substituted for init_F


Substituted for recage


Substituted for proportion

g3a_initialconditions / g3a_renewal / g3a_otherfood

An action (i.e. list of formula objects) that will, for the given stock, iterate over each area/age/etc. combination, and generate a lengthgroup vector of new individuals and weights using num_f and wgt_f.

renewal will add fish to the existing stock, whereas initialconditions & otherfood will replace any previous values.

g3a_initialconditions_normalparam / g3a_renewal_normalparam / g3a_otherfood_normalparam

As g3a_initialconditions / g3a_renewal, but the following formulae are used to calculate num/wgt:

$$n = {dnorm}(L, \mu, \sigma)$$ $$N = F 10000 \frac{n}{\sum n}$$ $$W = \alpha L^{\beta}$$


Midlength of length groups for current area/age/...


Substituted for factor_f


Substituted for mean_f


Substituted for stddev_f


Substituted for alpha_f


Substituted for beta_f

g3a_initialconditions_normalcv / g3a_renewal_normalcv / g3a_otherfood_normalcv

As g3a_initialconditions / g3a_renewal, but the following formulae are used to calculate num/wgt:

$$n = e^{-(\frac{L - \mu}{\mu * {CV}})^2 / 2}$$ $$N = F 10000 \frac{n}{\sum n}$$ $$W = \alpha L^{\beta}$$


Midlength of length groups for current area/age/...


Substituted for factor_f


Substituted for mean_f


Substituted for cv_f


Substituted for alpha_f


Substituted for beta_f


ling_imm <- g3_stock('ling_imm', seq(20, 156, 4)) %>% g3s_age(3, 10)

initialconditions_action <- g3a_initialconditions_normalparam(
    by_age = TRUE)  # per-age parameters
renewal_action <- g3a_renewal_normalparam(
    run_step = 2)  # Renewal happens in spring

# To get a single ling_imm.lencv parameter instead of
initialconditions_action <- g3a_initialconditions_normalcv(
renewal_action <- g3a_renewal_normalcv(
    run_step = 2)  # Renewal happens in spring

## Plots
par(mar = c(4,2,2,1), cex.main = 1)
curve(g3_eval(g3a_renewal_vonb_t0(Linf = 20, K = 0.8, t0 = 0), age = x),
    0, 10, col = 2, xlab = "age", main = "g3a_renewal_vonb_t0(Linf = 20, K = 0.8..1.4, t0 = 0)")
curve(g3_eval(g3a_renewal_vonb_t0(Linf = 20, K = 1.0, t0 = 0), age = x),
    0, 10, col = 1, add = TRUE)
curve(g3_eval(g3a_renewal_vonb_t0(Linf = 20, K = 1.2, t0 = 0), age = x),
    0, 10, col = 3, add = TRUE)
curve(g3_eval(g3a_renewal_vonb_t0(Linf = 20, K = 1.4, t0 = 0), age = x),
    0, 10, col = 4, add = TRUE)

## Otherfood
# "Otherfood" stocks are defined in a similar manner to any other stock
# Note that _normalparam & _normalcv need both length & age dimensions
other_wgt <- g3_stock('other_wgt', 0)
other_cv <- g3_stock('other_cv', seq(50, 100, by = 10)) %>% g3s_age(5,10)

otherfood_actions <- list(
    # Will get other_wgt.of_abund.1998.1, other_wgt.of_meanwgt parameters
    # Use standard vonB parameters (Linf/K/t0) to define abundance
    g3a_otherfood_normalcv(other_cv) )