Helper for setting initial parameter value

        value = NULL,
        spread = NULL,
        lower = if (!is.null(spread)) min(value * (1-spread), value * (1+spread)),
        upper = if (!is.null(spread)) max(value * (1-spread), value * (1+spread)),
        optimise = !is.null(lower) & !is.null(upper),
        parscale = if (is.null(lower) || is.null(upper)) NULL else 'auto',
        random = NULL,
        auto_exponentiate = TRUE)



A parameter template generated by g3_to_r or g3_to_tmb


A glob-like string to match parameter names, see Details


Numeric value / vector of values to set for value / 'value' column in template. Original value left if NULL


Shortcut for setting lower & upper.


Numeric value / vector of values to set for 'lower' column in template. Original value left if NULL


Numeric value / vector of values to set for 'upper' column in template. Original value left if NULL


Boolean value to set for 'optimise' column in template. Default is true iff both lower and upper are non-NULL. Original value left if NULL


Numeric value / vector of values to set for 'parscale' column in template. Default (auto) is difference between lower & upper (or NULL if they're not set). Original value left if NULL


Boolean value to set for 'random' column in template. Original value left if NULL


If TRUE, will implicitly match parameters ending with "_exp", and if this is the case log all value/lower/upper values


name_spec is a glob (or wildcard) matching parameters. It is a string separated by ., where each part can be:

  1. A wildcard matching anything (*), or a matching anything with a prefix, e.g. m*

  2. A wildcard matching any number (#), or a matching a number with a prefix, e.g. age*

  3. A range of numbers, e.g. [1979-1984]

  4. A choice of options can be separated with |, e.g. init|rec or [1979-1984]|[2000-2003]


A new parameter template list/table containing modifications

See also


# A parameter template, would already be got via. attr(g3_to_tmb(...), "parameter_template")
pt <- data.frame(
    switch = c(
        paste0('fish.init.', 1:9),
        paste0('fish.rec.', 1990:2000),
    value = NA,
    lower = NA,
    upper = NA,
    parscale = NA,
    optimise = FALSE,
    random = FALSE)

# Set all fish.init.# parameters to optimise
pt <- g3_init_val(pt, 'fish.init.#', 4, spread = 8)

# Set a fixed value for any .M
pt <- g3_init_val(pt, '*.M', value = 0.3, optimise = FALSE)

# Set a fixed value for a range of recruitment years, optimise the rest
pt |>
    g3_init_val('*.rec.#', value = 4, lower = 0, upper = 10) |>
    g3_init_val('*.rec.[1993-1996]', value = 0, optimise = FALSE) |>
    identity() -> pt

#>           switch value lower upper parscale optimise random
#> 1    fish.init.1   4.0   -28    36       64     TRUE  FALSE
#> 2    fish.init.2   4.0   -28    36       64     TRUE  FALSE
#> 3    fish.init.3   4.0   -28    36       64     TRUE  FALSE
#> 4    fish.init.4   4.0   -28    36       64     TRUE  FALSE
#> 5    fish.init.5   4.0   -28    36       64     TRUE  FALSE
#> 6    fish.init.6   4.0   -28    36       64     TRUE  FALSE
#> 7    fish.init.7   4.0   -28    36       64     TRUE  FALSE
#> 8    fish.init.8   4.0   -28    36       64     TRUE  FALSE
#> 9    fish.init.9   4.0   -28    36       64     TRUE  FALSE
#> 10 fish.rec.1990   4.0     0    10       10     TRUE  FALSE
#> 11 fish.rec.1991   4.0     0    10       10     TRUE  FALSE
#> 12 fish.rec.1992   4.0     0    10       10     TRUE  FALSE
#> 13 fish.rec.1993   0.0     0    10       10    FALSE  FALSE
#> 14 fish.rec.1994   0.0     0    10       10    FALSE  FALSE
#> 15 fish.rec.1995   0.0     0    10       10    FALSE  FALSE
#> 16 fish.rec.1996   0.0     0    10       10    FALSE  FALSE
#> 17 fish.rec.1997   4.0     0    10       10     TRUE  FALSE
#> 18 fish.rec.1998   4.0     0    10       10     TRUE  FALSE
#> 19 fish.rec.1999   4.0     0    10       10     TRUE  FALSE
#> 20 fish.rec.2000   4.0     0    10       10     TRUE  FALSE
#> 21        fish.M   0.3    NA    NA       NA    FALSE  FALSE