Turn g3 actions into CPP code that can be compiled using TMB

g3_to_tmb(actions, trace = FALSE, strict = FALSE)

        parameters = attr(cpp_code, 'parameter_template'),
        compile_flags = getOption('gadget3.tmb.compile_flags', default =
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") c("-O1", "-march=native")
            else c("-O3", "-flto=auto", "-march=native") ),
        work_dir = getOption('gadget3.tmb.work_dir', default = tempdir()),
        output_script = FALSE,
        compile_args = list(
            framework = getOption("gadget3.tmb.framework", default = "TMBad") ),

g3_tmb_par(parameters, include_random = TRUE)




g3_tmb_relist(parameters, par)



A list of actions (i.e. list of formula objects), as produced by g3a_* functions.


If TRUE, turn all comments into print statements.


If TRUE, enable extra sanity checking in actions. Any invalid conditions (e.g. more/less fish after growth) will result in a warning.


cpp_code as produced by g3_to_tmb.


Parameter table as produced by attr(g3_to_tmb(...), 'parameter_template'), modified to provide initial conditions, etc.


Parameter vector, as produced by one of

  1. nlminb(...)$par

  2. obj.fun$env$last.par

  3. g3_tmb_par()

The first will not include random parameters by default, the others will.


Should random parameters assumed to be part of par? Should be TRUE if using obj.fun$fn, obj.fun$report directly, e.g. obj.fun$fn(g3_tmb_par(param_tbl)). In other cases, FALSE.


List of extra flags to compile with, use e.g. "-g" to enable debugging output. Can be set with an option, e.g. options(gadget3.tmb.compile_flags = c('-O0', '-g'))


Any other arguments to pass to TMB::compile


Directory to write and compile .cpp files in. Defaults to R's current temporary directory Set this to preserve compiled output and re-use between R sessions if possible. Can be set with an option, e.g. options(gadget3.tmb.work_dir = fs::path_abs('tmb-workdir'))


If TRUE, create a temporary R script that runs MakeADFun, and return the location. This can then be directly used with gdbsource or callr::rscript.


Any other options handed directly to MakeADFun



g3_tmb_adfun will do both the compile and MakeADFun steps of making a model. If the code is identical to an already-loaded model then it won't be recompiled, so repeated calls to g3_tmb_adfun to change parameters are fast.

If MakeADFun is crashing your R session, then you can use output_script to run in a separate R session. Use this with gdbsource to debug your model.



A string of C++ code that can be used as an input to g3_tmb_adfun, with the following attributes:


The original actions list given to the function


An environment containing data attached to the model


A data.frame to be filled in and used as parameters in the other g3_tmb_* functions

Use e.g. attr(cpp_code, 'parameter_template') to retrieve them.


An ADFun as produced by TMB's MakeADFun, or location of temporary script if output_script is TRUE


Values extracted from parameters table converted into a vector of values for obj$fn(par) or nlminb


Lower bounds extracted from parameters table converted into a vector of values for nlminb. Random parameters are always excluded


Lower bounds extracted from parameters table converted into a vector of values for nlminb. Random parameters are always excluded


Parscale extracted from parameters table, converted into a vector of values for nlminb. Random parameters are always excluded


The parameters table value column, but with optimised values replaced with contents of par vector. i.e. the inverse operation to g3_tmb_par. par can either include or discount random variables.


ling_imm <- g3_stock(c(species = 'ling', 'imm'), seq(20, 156, 4)) %>% g3s_age(3, 10)

initialconditions_action <- g3a_initialconditions_normalparam(
    factor_f = g3a_renewal_initabund(by_stock_f = 'species'),
    by_stock = 'species',
    by_age = TRUE)

abundance_action <- g3l_abundancedistribution(
    data.frame(year = 2000:2004, number = 100),
    stocks = list(ling_imm),
    function_f = g3l_distribution_sumofsquares())

# Timekeeping action
time_action <- g3a_time(
    start_year = 2000,
    end_year = 2004,
    c(3, 3, 3, 3))

# Generate a model from the above 2 actions
# NB: Obviously in reality we'd need more actions
cpp <- g3_to_tmb(list(initialconditions_action, abundance_action, time_action))

if (interactive()) {
  # Edit the resulting code
  cpp <- edit(cpp)

# Set initial conditions for parameters
attr(cpp, 'parameter_template') |>
    g3_init_val("project_years", 0) |>
    g3_init_val("ling.init.F", 0.4) |>
    g3_init_val("ling.Linf", 160) |>
    g3_init_val("ling.K", 90) |>
    g3_init_val("ling.t0", 0) |>
    g3_init_val("ling.init.sd.#", 50.527220) |>
    g3_init_val("ling_imm.init.#", 1, lower = 0, upper = 1000) |>
    g3_init_val("ling_imm.init.scalar", 200) |>
    g3_init_val("ling_imm.walpha", 2.275e-06) |>
    g3_init_val("ling_imm.wbeta", 3.2020) |>
    g3_init_val("ling_*.M.#", 0.15) |>
    identity() -> tmb_param

if (!( nzchar(Sys.getenv('GITHUB_CI')) && .Platform$OS.type == "windows" )) {
  # Compile to a TMB ADFun
  tmb <- g3_tmb_adfun(cpp, tmb_param)
#> using C++ compiler: ‘g++ (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0’

# NB: TMB::gdbsource() requires both "R" and "gdb" to be available
# NB: gdbsource hangs on windows - https://github.com/kaskr/adcomp/issues/385
if (all(nzchar(Sys.which(c('gdb', 'R')))) && .Platform$OS.type !="windows") {

  cpp_broken <- g3_to_tmb(list(
    g3_formula(quote( stop("This model is broken") )),

  # Build the model in an isolated R session w/debugger
      compile_flags = "-g",
      output_script = TRUE)))


if (!( nzchar(Sys.getenv('GITHUB_CI')) && .Platform$OS.type == "windows" )) {
  # Perform a single run, using values in table
  result <- tmb$fn(g3_tmb_par(tmb_param))

if (!( nzchar(Sys.getenv('GITHUB_CI')) && .Platform$OS.type == "windows" )) {
  # perform optimisation using upper/lower/parscale from table
  fit <- optim(tmb$par, tmb$fn, tmb$gr,
      method = "L-BFGS-B",
      upper = g3_tmb_upper(tmb_param),
      lower = g3_tmb_lower(tmb_param),
      control = list(maxit=10, parscale=g3_tmb_parscale(tmb_param)))
#> outer mgc:  0 

if (!( nzchar(Sys.getenv('GITHUB_CI')) && .Platform$OS.type == "windows" )) {
  # perform optimisation without bounds
  fit <- optim(tmb$par, tmb$fn, tmb$gr)

if (!( nzchar(Sys.getenv('GITHUB_CI')) && .Platform$OS.type == "windows" )) {
  # Go back to a list of parameters, suitable for the R version
  # NB: This will not set the values for random parameters
  param_list <- g3_tmb_relist(tmb_param, fit$par)

if (!( nzchar(Sys.getenv('GITHUB_CI')) && .Platform$OS.type == "windows" )) {
  # Update parameters with values from last run, *including* random parameters.
  param_list <- g3_tmb_relist(tmb_param, tmb$env$last.par)

if (!( nzchar(Sys.getenv('GITHUB_CI')) && .Platform$OS.type == "windows" )) {
  # Rebuild, only including "Fun" (i.e. without auto-differentiation)
  # Result will only work for tmb$report
  tmb <- g3_tmb_adfun(cpp, tmb_param, type = "Fun")
  result <- tmb$report(g3_tmb_par(tmb_param))