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Plot gadget3 model output using ggplot2. R package version 0.3.0

The gadgetplots package produces diagnostics graphics for gadget3 using ggplot2. The package replaces the plotting capabilities of Rgadget package which was designed to work with gadget2.


The gadgetplots is not available on CRAN yet. Use the devtools or remotes packages to install directly from GitHub:

# install.packages("remotes")


See the function reference for a detailed list of functions and documentation on how to use them.

The make_html() function generates a single html file out of gadgetutils::g3_fit() output that contains key model diagnostics. Further, the package produces plots in four categories:

  1. plot_*() functions plot gadget model output generated using gadgetutils::g3_fit(). These functions have a generic shorthand, the plot(), with param argument specifying the type of plot.

  2. dplot_*() functions plot gadget model input data generated using mfdb, gadgetutils::g3_data() or gadgetutils::add_g3_attributes() functions.

  3. the g3d_plot() function plots data directly from a gadget model object.

  4. g3plot_* functions plot gadget suitability (selectivity) functions.

Found a bug or desire a feature?

The package is under an active development together with gadget3 framework. Please report bugs and write feature requests under Issues.