Add tag-release to a g3 model
fleet_stock, prey_stocks, suitabilities, catchability_f,
output_tag_f, mortality_f = 0, run_f = ~TRUE,
run_at = g3_action_order$predate, ...)
g3a_tag_shedding(stocks, tagshed_f, run_f = ~TRUE,
run_at = g3_action_order$straying)
Tagging fleet, see g3a_predate_fleet
Stocks fleet harvests, see g3a_predate_fleet
formula specifying which numeric tag (see g3s_tag) stock will be released into. Implemented with a g3_timeareadata table, e.g.
formula generated by one of the g3_suitability_* functions, describing the proportion of tagged stock that will die during tagging.
Stocks that will shed tags
formula for proportion that will shed tags at this point
formula specifying a condition for running this action, default always runs.
Integer order that spawning actions will be run within model, see g3_action_order
Any further options for g3a_predate_fleet
An action (i.e. list of formula objects) that will...
Harvest as-per g3a_predate_fleet
Use mortality_f to apply tagging mortality to harvested stock
Use output_tag_f to decide what tag should be applied to harvested stock
Put harvested stock back into general circulation
tags <- c('H1-00', 'H1-01')
tags <- structure(seq_along(tags), names = tags)
prey_a <- g3_stock('prey_a', seq(1, 10)) %>% g3s_tag(tags)
fleet_a <- g3_fleet('fleet_a')
actions <- list(
# NB: If g3_tag() is used in the stock, initialconditions/renewal
# will only renew into tag == 0 (i.e. untagged)
# Setup as-per g3a_predate_fleet
suitabilities = list(prey_a = 1),
catchability_f = g3a_predate_catchability_numberfleet(~100),
# Optional tag mortality suitability
mortality_f = g3_suitability_straightline(
# Formula to decide which tag to output into, generate table
# with one tag per year
output_tag_f = g3_timeareadata('fleet_a_tags', data.frame(
year = 2000:2001,
tag = tags[c('H1-00', 'H1-01')],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE), value_field = "tag"),
# Experiment only happens in spring
run_f = ~cur_step == 2),
# i.e. 0.125 will loose their tag each step
tagshed_f = log(8)))