16 Recent Changes

A version of this user guide was printed and published as a Marine Research Institute report, available from the MRI, Reykjavik (Hafrannsóknastofnunin Fjölrit nr. 120). That published version of the user guide described the input file formats for Gadget version 2.1.00. Since the publication of that report, a number of changes to the Gadget software have been implemented, to fix any bugs that have been found and to add new features. Some of these changes have resulted in small changes to the format of the input files, and these user visible changes are summarised below.

16.1 Gadget version 2.1.01

  • removed the need to specify the lengths of the fleets (see section 7

  • added new suitability functions, the Richards suitability function and the Gamma suitability function (see section 4.9)

  • added a fleet that uses catch in numbers data (see section 7.2)

  • added an “energycontent” section for the preys (see section 4.6 and section 6)

16.2 Gadget version 2.1.02

  • simplified the format for the migration data (see section 4.11)

  • added prey preference parameters to allow for a Type III functional response when one stock is consuming another (see section 4.8)

16.3 Gadget version 2.1.03

  • changed the otherfood file format to specify the biomass of otherfood available, rather than the density of the otherfood (see section 6.1)

  • added a fleet that extends the LinearFleet to take the different catchability of the various stocks into account (see section 7.4)

  • added the StockPreyPrinter to the list of available printer classes (see section @ref(#sec:stockpreyprinter))

  • added the PredatorPreyPrinter to the list of available printer classes (see section 9.9) to replace the old PredPreyStdAgePrinter and PredPreyStdLengthPrinter printer classes, which are no longer supported

16.4 Gadget version 2.1.04

  • removed the need to specify the areas, predators or timesteps when calculating the score for the Understocking likelihood component (see section 8.2)

16.5 Gadget version 2.1.05

  • added a fleet that implements a simple harvest control rule (see section 7.5)

  • added a survey index likelihood component that can use an index based on acoustic data (see section 8.6.4)

  • added a survey index likelihood component that can use an index based on effort data (see section 8.6.5)

  • removed the need to specify the timesteps for the LikelihoodPrinter printer class, since the output is generated on the timesteps that the likelihood components have data for (see section 9.10)

  • changed the “half feeding value” format to specify the biomass of the prey, rather than the density of the prey (see section 4.8)

16.6 Gadget version 2.1.06

  • this version only contains bug fixes, so there are no changes to the format of the input files

16.7 Gadget version 2.2.00

  • removed the hard-coded factor of 4 from various maturation and suitability functions (see equations (4.27), (4.33) and (4.34)) note that these functions have been re-named, so using one of these functions will currently generate an error to alert the user of this change

  • extended the options for a fleet that implements a harvest control rule (see section 7.5)

  • added an option to aggregate the StockDistribution data (see section 8.5)

  • added the MigrationProportion likelihood component (see section 8.12)

  • simplified the TimeVariable component (see section 3.4.2)

  • added the StockVariable component so some model parameters can be based on the biomass of a stock (see section 3.4.3)

  • added a penalty to models with NaN values to ensure that the optimiser chooses a valid minimum value

16.8 Gadget version 2.3.0

  • Turn gadget2 into a CRAN-compatible package

16.9 Gadget version 2.3.1

  • Package building bugfixes

16.10 Gadget version 2.3.2


16.11 Gadget version 2.3.3

  • More complete authors list added to DESCRIPTION

16.12 Gadget version 2.3.4

  • Add an inst/COPYRIGHTS file

16.13 Gadget version 2.3.5

  • Fix problems when using non-GNU makes

16.14 Gadget development version

16.15 Gadget version 2.3.8

16.16 Gadget version 2.3.8

16.17 Gadget version 2.3.9

16.18 Gadget version 2.3.8

16.19 Gadget version 2.3.9

16.20 Gadget version 2.3.10

16.21 Gadget development version