Add tag dimensions to g3_stock classes

g3s_tag(inner_stock, tag_ids, force_untagged = TRUE)



A g3_stock that we extend with an area dimension


A vector of numeric tags the stock can have, generated by seq_along, e.g. Tag ID 0 is considered to be "untagged".


If TRUE, if "untagged" tag 0 isn't present it will be added.



A g3_stock with an additional 'tag' dimension.

When iterating over the stock, iterate over each tag in turn, tag will be set to the current integer area.

When interacting with another stock, iterate over each tag in turn, the variable name will depend on the scenario, e.g. prey_tag.


# Make a lookup of text names to integers
tags <- c('H1-00', 'H1-01')
tags <- structure(seq_along(tags), names = tags)

# prey_a can have any of these tags
prey_a <- g3_stock('prey_a', seq(1, 10)) %>% g3s_tag(tags)

# Use stock_instance to see what the array would look like
#>         tag
#> length   untagged H1-00 H1-01
#>   1:2          NA    NA    NA
#>   2:3          NA    NA    NA
#>   3:4          NA    NA    NA
#>   4:5          NA    NA    NA
#>   5:6          NA    NA    NA
#>   6:7          NA    NA    NA
#>   7:8          NA    NA    NA
#>   8:9          NA    NA    NA
#>   9:10         NA    NA    NA
#>   10:Inf       NA    NA    NA